Winter Fires Create Burn Injuries

Burn injuries and house fires happen all year round but it’s at this time of year that the numbers increase. With winter comes the need for heat and light, increasing the burning of candles and fires and with Christmas time comes fairy lights and decorations.  All of which are potential fire hazards.

Be prepared this winter by following a few simple safety precautions to ensure your Christmas and your winter season as a whole, is a safe and happy one.  Burn injuries and house fires increase dramatically at this time of year and according to statistics, you are 50% more likely to die in an accidental fire during the Christmas period than at any other time of the year[1].  These are scary statistics so take relevant precautions with any open flames such as candles and fires and be sensible about the use and positioning of Christmas decorations and lights.  Don’t forget to check your smoke alarms either.    

Despite taking extra precautions, accidents can still happen so go the extra distance and think about how you would handle an emergency situation such as a nasty burn injury or even a fire within the house.  Do you have a first aid kit, specialised burn dressings, a fire blanket?

Fortunately First Aid Warehouse help you resolve all of those issues.  They are the official online distributor of a range of specialised burn and fire products known as Burnshield.  Burnshield is the leading brand in emergency burn care and offer a range of products from small burn dressings, kits and fire blankets all of which are available to purchase online from First Aid Warehouse at great prices that only the official distributor are able to offer.


[1] DCLG Fire Statistics 2000 – 2004 – 18 December to 8 Jan saw fire deaths increase to 1.12 deaths per day compared with .74 per day for the rest of the


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