Dasar pada Pertolongan Pertama

Pelaku pertolongan pertama dalam melaksanakan tugasnya memerlukan beberapa peralatan dasar. Peralatan dasar pada pertolongan pertama ada dua kategori. Pertama peralatan perlindungan diri yang dikenal dengan Alat Perlindungan Diri (APD) dan yang kedua adalah peralatan Pertolongan Pertama untuk melakukan tugas.

Alat Pelindungan Diri

Pelaku Pertolongan Pertama sangat rentan terpapar dengan jasad renik maupun cairan tubuh dari korban. Jasad renik tersebut dapat menyebabkan pelaku Pertolongan Pertama tersebut tertular penyakit. Sebagai contoh beberapa penyakit yang dapat menular adalah Hepatitis, TBC, HIV dan AIDS. APD juga berfungsi untuk mencegah penolong mengalami cedera dalam melakukan tugas pertolongan.

Beberapa contoh APD yang banyak digunakan adalah Sarung tangan Lateks, Kacamata Pelindung, Baju Pelindung, Masker Penolong, Masker Resusitasi dan Helm. Disamping itu ada beberapa tindakan yang harus dilakukan penolong selain menggunakan APD untuk pencegahan seperti mencuci tangan dan membersihkan peralatan.

Peralatan Pertolongan Pertama

Beberapa peralatan Pertolongan Pertama antara lain adalah:
  • Penutup Luka; Kasa Steril, Bantalan Kasa
  • Pembalut; Pembalut Gulung/Pipa, Pembalut Segitiga/Mitela, Pembalut Tubuler/Tabung, Pembalut Rekat/Plester
  • Cairan Antiseptik; Alkohol 70%, Povidone iodine 10%
  • Cairan Pencuci Mata; Boorwater
  • Peralatan Stabilisasi; Bidai, Papan Spinal Panjang, Papan Spinal Pendek
  • Gunting Pembalut
  • Pinset
  • Senter
  • Kapas
  • Selimut
  • Kartu Korban
  • Alat Tulis
  • Oksigen
  • Tensimeter dan Stetoskop
  • Tandu

Update International Stainless Steel First Aid Cabinet

This first aid cabinet is made of stainless steel. It is featured with locking glass front door. It allows you to put your first aid kit almost anywhere, but it also features a locking door to make sure your first aid supplies are there when you need them to be. Features two shelves and a stylish metal design. Perfect for any restaurant or business. Measures 12-inch length by 12-inch width by 4-inch depth.

Price: $30.51

Click here to buy from Amazon

The Marriage First Aid Kit

In his 35+ years as a therapist and marriage counselor, Bryce Kaye has come to know that problems in marriages are not going to be overcome by a self help book, a Marriage For Idiots handbook, or a couple of episodes of Dr. Phil in the afternoon. His work, The Marriage First Aid Kit, is just what the title suggests, a temporary help for couples until more permanent care can be obtained.

Dr. Kaye helps his audience work on issues resulting from communication avoidance by showing how to balance the conflicting needs of attachment and autonomy in a relationship.

This vital balance is endangered not only by the obvious assassins abuse, affairs, and addictions, but also what Kaye terms hedonic inhibitions the inability by some partners to seek and enjoy fun in a couple s life together.

Kaye employs everyday wisdom and therapeutic theory to show individuals in a relationship how to establish autonomy while affirming attachment, how to manage inevitable and healthy conflicts, and how to share power and responsibility throughout their marriage.

Incorporating examples culled from his years of helping clients, Kaye peppers his book with problem scenarios to which readers can relate as well as with a useful variety of measurement tools and viable exercises to help couples through the common issues faced in intimate relationships.

Rising above the plethora of quick-fix, relationship-help manuals, The Marriage First Aid Kit by Bryce Kaye, PhD offers professional, intelligent suggestions to couples to be employed, not as panaceas, but as temporary help while they work their way through the difficulties of life together.

Price: $18.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

With You in Mind, inc. - Late Nite emergency kit

Those days of being out late and not having your "stuff" with you to crash at a friend's house are history. Have our Late Nite bag with you or give it as a gift and the problem is solved. Contents: bobby pins: black, blonde, brown (2 ea), comb (1), compact mirror, hairbrush, hairspray, hair elastic (1), lip balm, facial lotion wipe (1), make-up remover wipe (1), nail file (1), dental floss pick (1), deodorant, feminine hygiene wipe (1), hand lotion, mini pad (1), pre-pasted toothbrush (1), tampon (1), Advil (1-2/pkg), antacids/chewable (2), bandages (2), extra-strength Tylenol (1-2/pkg), Imodium (1-2/pkg), earring backs (2), Kleenex (1 pak), peppermints (5), safety pins (2), Contacts version: 2 oz. Multi-purpose solution, contact case (1)

Click here to buy from Amazon

See Better in Your Eye Doctor

Researchers warn that patients who see perfectly well in their eye doctor's office often end up seeing considerably less well in the comfort of their own home. "The results from our study suggest that older adults are not seeing as well in their homes compared to their vision when tested in the clinic," said study author Dr. Anjali Bhorade, an associate professor of ophthalmology at the Washington University School of Medicine, in St. Louis.

"For example, a patient may see 20/20 in the clinic. However, [they can] have 20/40 or worse vision in their home," she said. "This decreased vision in the home can negatively affect their function in their home, and thus their quality of life."

"We found that poor lighting in the home was the most significant factor contributing to decreased vision," Bhorade said. "More than 85 percent of older adults had lighting in their homes below that of the recommended level. Our results suggest that simply increasing lighting may improve the vision of older adults in their homes."

Bhorade and her colleagues discussed their findings in the Nov. 21 online issue of the journal JAMA Ophthalmology.The researchers focused on 175 eye patients between the ages of 55 and 90.Most of the patients had been diagnosed with glaucoma before attending a regularly scheduled appointment with their ophthalmologist at some point between 2005 and 2009. The remainder had no eye health issues.

All of the patients had their vision tested both in their doctor's office and at home. Both exams were scheduled within a one-month span, and took place during the daytime. Home exams included testing that assessed near-vision abilities, such as paying bills or reading.

Digital light meters also were used to determine lighting levels in both settings.Vision test results were significantly better in the doctor's office than in a home setting, regardless of whether a patient had glaucoma.

For example, nearly 30 percent of glaucoma patients were able to read two or more lines more easily on an eye chart when tested in the doctor's office than when at home. Among those with more severe glaucoma, nearly four in 10 read three or more lines better when tested in the office than when tested at home.

The same dynamic was observed with near vision, the researchers said. More than one-fifth of patients experienced better results at the doctor's office when trying to read two or more lines of text.

Bhorade and her associates determined that lighting was the key factor behind the difference. Home lighting was three to four times less bright than in a clinical setting, on average.

View the original article here

First aid supplies

Prepare for first aid supplies
We have to realize the importance of having first aid supplies kit in our home or car. Companies should be equipped their facility with basic first aid supplies kit which located somewhere in the facility.

If the company building is large, the first aid supplies kits are located in each department of the large building. We have to take the very best measures to assure our safety. Accidents can be happened each time when we least expect them, so we need to be prepared.

Cpr first aid

Cpr first aid training

Cpr first aid certification is very important. It is a combination of lifesaving techniques for infants, children and adults. This certification is essential for us because we never know when we are going to face such accident situation. So if we have already trained properly, we can tackle the accident situation easily.

When we experience an accident, the first thing that we should be kept in our mind is that, we have to be not panic and soon call for the cpr first aid team, but we do not waste time waiting for the team. This is the time when our cpr first aid certification comes to use.

First aid courses

Benefit of first aid courses

What we might be able to do in the event of an immediate medical emergency. Imagine for a moment though that we get into a situation where a member of our family manages to cut their arm quite severely. Would we know how do we react? Do we have the right medical supplies on hand to tackle such an event correctly? And do we know how to use them?

Few people believe that they need the knowledge provided by first aid courses. Most of people think that they need medical workers to solve the problems. But the reality is that many events happen where someone gets injured, there is no immediate medical care. So in such occasions, it can be a great benefit if we take control of the situation and provide first aid whilst the emergency services are on their way to the scene.

First aid training

-->The First Aid Training
First aid training is aimed to equip people to provide initial care to a person's injury. First aid can be provided by person to anybody who needs medical care, until he or she gets the definitive medical treatment. Firs aid can be consist of simple techniques or in certain cases, can be life saving aid.

First aid training to anybody is needed to:

· To save our life; The aim of any medical care is to preserve a life.
· To prevent further danger; This is known as preventing the condition from worsening. A patient should be moved away from any causes of harm and the first aid must be given to prevent the patient condition from worsening.
· To promote Recovery; Safety training is important as fostering first aid to somebody so that he or she can aid in the recovery process.