CPR first aid courses Miami Fort Lauderdale

Save a life!  Learn cpr today in Florida-we're in the top rank of AHA training site for the bls, cpr and first aid in South Florida!  CPR Florida has the most sites where you can register for courses or even travel to you.

Our instructors, make sure that you feel comfortable and learn in a fun and no stress atmosphere.  American Heart Association classes for anyone needing a cpr or first aid class in Florida. We travel to you or you can come to a scheduled cpr, aed, bls, acls, pals, phtls, oxygen or bloodborne pathogens class at our facilities.
Offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and West Palm Beach. We travel throughout Florida, Jupiter, Palm Beach Gardens, Fort Pierce, Boca Raton and other areas south Fl!

Register online for free on our website or we travel to each location for cpr aed bls acls pals oxgyen phtls bloodborne pathogens and first aid certification training classes.  Register online for free on our website or we travel to each location for cpr aed bls acls pals oxgyen phtls bloodborne pathogens and first aid certification training classes. All courses are American Heart Association approved and each student to take a card 2 years on the same day, along with a booklet and a free cpr keychain.

Who gets our courses?  Nurses, emts, paramedics, physiotherapists, trainers, day-care centers, guards, vessel crew, even new parents should all learn or should be aware of the AED, CPR and first aid skills. Even staying in Florida with so much water, everyone should know how to save a life. Florida CPR is ready to assist you. We teach courses in American Heart Association heartsaver cpr and aed including doctor bls and acls and all categories covering adult, child and infant cpr aed use, choking and first aid skills.

Our client lists include: nurses, emts, paramedics, physiotherapists, trainers, day-care centers, guards, boat, crew, construction workers, teachers, coaches, lifeguards, and more. Almost everyone is required to have for their work, but once even reside in Florida with so much water, everyone should know how to save a life.

Florida CPR is ready to assist you. We teach courses in American Heart Association heartsaver cpr and aed including doctor bls and acls and all categories covering adult, child and infant cpr aed use, choking and first aid skills.

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