A blue lemon launches a new product on the promotional market-a first aid kit, which can be fully customized and branded. Darryl Grima, Director of operation on a blue lemon statd that "with an individually designed first aid kit, and customized with your company logo printed, your marketing gift will achieve a number of benefits".
There is no doubt that the first aid kit will be held for a number of years. It will be shown to many people and to ensure that your business will have a significant positive reputation. Added to that are valuable goodwill – with a first aid kit as a gift, do you keep the client's well-being.
Our first aid kits with logo print is success fully used for:
Marketing gifts, Christmas gifts,
Internal use in the Office, at the store, at the factory.
Resale to end-users
A creative marketing gift with many possibilities:
We can accommodate any wish, within your budget
Can be produced in small quantities, down to 250 units
First aid kits with logo printing can be combined on your choice
You can offer your customers a refill with great deals in your service/goods, thereby having further sales based on your marketing gift
Offer your partners to advertise on first aid kits with long-lasting marketing value – would you like to reach out to my clients the next 5 years?
A blue lemon is Malta's leading supplier of corporate, Promotional, advertising and business gifts, news and products on affordable pricies. Find all the promotional products such as sunshieds, eco-gifts and much more at http://www.onebluelemon.com